So I realize that it has been almost a week since I have updated this blog.
The middle of last week rolled past with blazing heat and muggy days. I spent an excruciatingly hot day cleaning up the grape patch. I didn't see it then, but boy do they look a lot better now. I learned how to ride the zero turn mower and it was a lot of fun. I really like working in the vineyard and with the orchards.
Later on in the week I spent a lot of time working with machines, and some time moving cows. None of it was particularly exciting - but hey, that's life.
This weekend I brought Emily to the beach with me. We had a really good time, and it was relaxing but the drive would not be worth it just for a two day weekend.
It poured today at work. We ended up getting out at 3:30 because the weather was so crummy. I almost felt guilty for leaving early because I felt like I could have still found work to do. Scott told me not to feel guilty, because we won't later in the summer when we're working extra hours just to get everything finished.
I spent a good majority of the day working on the New Holland diskbine. I windexed the whole thing and then we grease gunned both discbines after that. We tightened some of the nuts under the turtles and then Scott taught me how to drive it and then we realized it was broken. Whoops. It was a long day and everyone was dead tired. The smoke alarm went off at like 3am and everyone seemed to have issues sleeping. Oh well. Whatever happens happens.
It'll be bed early tonight to compensate!
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