Thursday, June 3, 2010

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday I spent the majority of my day pulling weeds out of Barbara's patio. I know - exciting work for a horticulturist, no? Well, I know friends working for botanical gardens where that's pretty much all they do. I guess I can't feel so bad about it.

We moved the big herd of cows in the morning and then Emily and I continued to work on the patio and she mowed the lawn.

Today I was with Nikki to work with cows. She taught me a lot of the grasses and common weeds and we moved a bunch of the dry cows to new homes. After lunch we bushwacked through the dry cows' new home to try to find them some water. We were, however, unsuccessful so we had to begin the long and complicated journey of getting them some water. Long story short, it ended with me soaked sitting on top of her pick-up. The cows got water in the end.

I also am beginning to pick out my project topic. Marco said that each intern has to do a project or long paper by the end of the summer. I think that I'm going to do something on the weeds and grasses on our farm and what they indicate about the soil and/or environment that their in. It'll be a kind of weed identification and analysis paper or powerpoint. I think it'll be interesting, and it will allow me to walk the fields which is something that I like doing.

(a wild hemp that grows in random ditches)

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