Monday, May 24, 2010

Pickin' Stones

Today I was with Ed and Scott all day. First me and Ed filled up the service truck with 200 gallons of diesel. 

Then we went down to the barn plaza and he showed me how to drive the backhoe and the telehandler. Ed took a bunch of pictures of me. 

Field 52 had to be picked so that we can plant it tomorrow. I learned how to drive the telehandler and put the stone bucket on it so that scott could drive around and put all his huge rocks in my bucket. I'm just happy that my tractor had a radio in it. 

After we finished up with that we moved a whole bunch of grass seed from the machine it was in into the broadcaster to be used tomorrow. I filled up the whole thing by scooping it with a 5 gallon bucket. It felt like a long day. 

After work we all went down to the quarry and took a bit of a dip. It was a great way to unwind and cool down after work. 

Sunday, May 23, 2010


This weekend was pretty fun. We did cow check on Saturday morning with Scott and his girlfriend. She was really nice and the check was pretty uneventful. Unfortunately, even though Scott didn't come to get us until around 9 I still woke up at 6 out of habit. After we got back, Isaiah, Emily, and I went to the wrong dump to get rid of our trash. For a moment I half understood why Sandy mutters about inbreds. We finally figured out where the right dump was - this one was a little less sketchy. After that great adventure we went up to Plattsburgh to see Robin Hood and go to Wal-mart. I spent way too much money on food, and we bought 3 gallons of milk between the 3 of us (1/2 of one already gone). We even watched a movie last night when we got home. It was super productive day. 

Cow check this morning went well. Summer didn't get up for it, but Emily and I went like we had planned to. LP35, LP23, and H510 all had sore feet this morning when we checked and  water basin was completely empty/broken so we had to fix that. Sandy flagged us down on the way and asked us to have a meeting afterwards. He pretty much just wanted to check in and chat with us. Afterwards, Emily and I drove about 5 miles up the road to go tubing. We went down the river for awhile and then came up on a bunch of people. What we stumbled on was Little Falls. Everyone was cliff jumping and hanging around and it looked like a ton of fun. Emily and I both jumped off of one of the cliffs a few times. It was probably the most fun part of the day. It took us 4 hours to get down the river - but it was well worth it to get out and do something instead of sit around outside. 

It most definitely does NOT feel like Sunday. Saturday felt like Sunday, and Sunday feels like Saturday. Go figure!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Another Cow Day

Today was another cow day for me. 

Emily, Summer, and myself were with TJ for the whole day moving and treating cows. We moved the steers (big and small) from the fields that they were in to 2 fields right across the gravel road. We had to do some running around to get them there, but that was okay. They were happier in the tall grass for it. 

We moved all the weeners into their perspective fields. My favorite little girl, TH15, managed to escape almost as soon as we put her in the field with Barbara's ladies. We had to chase her twice before we could to drop off the little boys. That took most of the morning.

After lunch we made a fence line for the bulls and trailered them up and brought them over to their new home. T-bone, however, did not want to go in the trailer. We spent the better part of an hour chasing this bull around. He must have jumped the electric fence at least 6 times. Finally we had to call in reinforcements and we got them in. 

Lastly, we treated the usual suspects down in the 5 acres. 5G and S29 are doing much better. S25 is walking better as well so that is all well and good. I'm getting better at sticking the tube down the cows throats to give pills. However, poor S10 is probably going to die on us tonight. She came down with a bad case of pneumonia a couple of days ago and is only getting worse. We gave her an IV of glucose, banamine, and B complex, but when we left she could barely prop herself up laying down. I guess we'll see in the morning. 

This is Emily kissing 5G, her cow!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Almost There

It's almost weekend! 

Today didn't seem long at all. In the morning Isaiah and I went down to the river (field 64 with the reject cows if you remember) and planted the rest of those dogwoods and bayberries. All in all we planted about 200 trees to help the hill from eroding into the river. It was a good couple hours work in the dew and the mud but it was pretty fun. I almost got sucked into a huge mud bog but luckily Isaiah pulled me out!

After that, Isaiah went to help TJ and Summer change out the windows for screens in the Grandview house. While they did that Marco let me play around in the vineyard. He told me that all 300 of their grape plants are Table Grapes. They have reliants, a sweet, pink grape; Canadice, a very cold hardy black grape; and Concords for jams and jellies and juices. He showed me how to prune them and then how to use the tape gun to train them to go on the little cordy thingies the right way. After lunch I continued to work on it with Isaiah until the day was almost over. Granted, I broke the tape guns like 60 times so it took forever, but oh well. It happens. 

Later, we treated the usual suspects. 5G had a pretty high temp today, but was good and cleaned out. S29 was fairly clean. She got her uterus sewn shut and her infected udder cleaned out, too. S25 is walking a little bit better today and she's not running a fever at all and the (ex) bull is just... well-himself. 

It was overall a pretty good day. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Long Day Part 2

About an hour ago, Summer came running down the stairs saying "I'm not seeing things this time, there's really a cow loose"

One of the steers had gotten loose somehow and was chilling by the road. After an hour of running around in our PJ's and pounding down Marco's door we finally got him in a field with the bigger steers until morning. 


Long Day

Today was a really long day. We started first thing by moving around cows. We shuffled and sorted all the ladies to be vet checked. Down came the rain and in came the vet. She stuck her hand up the butt's of about 100 cows and told us if they were good to breed or not. I got to catch the cows as they came down the chute and only let 2 go. That's not so bad, I guess. 

After we put everyone back where they needed to go we treated a few cows that needed to be treated, and we fixed a few things that need fixing including a watering trough. There really wasn't much to write home about today that I haven't already talked about. It was a pretty normal cow day. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

One Week Down

Today was the busiest day that we've had since I've been here. The morning started with Summer, Isaiah, and myself putting up fences near the cattle shack for the ladies that used to be in 33 to move over into. It went pretty quickly. TJ commented that our fence line looked like we were knocking down a few beers while we worked on it, but hey - it got done. After we went through and checked the electricity on all the fences we moved the cows across the street and into their temporary home. 

We then checked a few cows. N7 (the one-eyed bandit) looked a lot better today. Where her eye was all clouded over is almost totally clear so she didn't need an eye patch and we just treated her with sulfur. S25, the mom from yesterday, is looking better. We're hoping the swelling that's pinching her nerve will go down and she will go back to walking completely normally again. The other infection gals are starting to look better. Temps are getting down and their uterus' are almost all cleaned out. One cow has an e-coli infection (I don't know how to say the technical term) in her uterus and a sore foot so she's being treated for that as well. 

After lunch we moved all the divas from field 63 to the 5 acres area. They will be checked at vet check tomorrow along with all the other gals that we moved. 

I finally got to do something horticultury today! We planted a pear orchard in back of the shop. Scott drilled holes with the skid steer and we came behind him and planted 250 trees. I have to say; I am not a fan of bare root trees. They're no fun to plant. Hopefully they'll get watered in tomorrow and I'll get to see them finally flesh out some leaves. 

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sad Day

Today was kind of a bummer of a day. 

We started the morning by going out to fence a field, but didn't get very far. Marco called us up to 5 acres to birth a cow. Unfortunately, the calf was way too big and it took us almost an hour to get him out. He was dead before he was even born. He was just to big, and coming out backwards so his hips caught on his mothers. He pinched a nerve in her back and she had trouble walking afterwards at first but hopefully she'll get better. 

Then Summer and I fenced in a huge field. Fencing is hard. My arms are in so much pain!

After lunch we planted trees in yucky clay soil so it was slowwwwwww going. I'm excited to move cows tomorrow. Hopefully we'll see how that goes. 

Here's a picture of the ladies watching me plant trees. 

Sunday, May 16, 2010

This Weekend

This weekend was pretty cool. Emily and Isaiah arrived on Friday. They're both very cool people. It'll be a good summer. I'm pretty excited. Emily's mom came, so we went to Rick's Place on Friday night and tried Michigan Dogs. It's kind of like a hot dog with a sloppy joe on top but it's delicious. We saw Ed and Pat there and it was kind of fun to be in a little local place. We came back, talked for awhile, and then went to sleep. 

I got up on Saturday morning to check cows with TJ. We caught the (ex) bull and gave him some banamine to help the swelling in his balls. He tried to lurch through the head hold and broke a couple of needles on me, but I ended up able to give him the shot. After, TJ had me check the "divas" while he went and checked the boys  to cut down on time. Well one divalicious cow decided that it would be fun to chase me down. I'm so glad that big animals don't scare me or this job would be a nightmare. Later that afternoon TJ, his fiancee and I went up in the lake placid region to deliver some meat to a diner. We ate up there and then took the scenic route home. We got to drive past the olympic training centers and the ski jumping facilities. It was so crazy and intense!

When I got back Emily and I went for a walk around a few fields and hung out and then we went into downtown Essex to The Old Dock Restaurant for their opening night. It was a little pricey but delicious and right on the lake. We came back and line danced in the living room a little bit afterwards. 

Cow checking this morning was interesting to say the least. TJ and I got to Sandy and Barberas house and P30 (remember the one that lost her voice bellowing for her calf?) and 2 others were wandering around the road. They are NOT supposed to be doing this. So we spent our first 30 minutes of the morning chasing them through the woods and trying to get them back where they belong. They just walked right through the fence. So we had to re-put up fence. Then we treated the (ex) bull and finished cow check. LP35's foot is looking worse so tomorrow morning we'll probably bring her in to look at it. Poor girl. 

After work we took Emily's mom over to Burlington on the ferry and went to the tiniest Walmart ever. It was a full day affair and now I'm exhausted. I'm trying to fight of a cold, still. Hopefully I can do it! 

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 3

Today was like the most stupendous, fun day ever!

I got up (per usual) and went up to work. I brought my muck boots to join all the boys' in the shop. However, as seen in the picture below, my pair is not quite like everyone elses. It's good to stand out from the crowd...

First off, one of the chickens got eaten by something last night (not fun).

Then me, Zip, and TJ went to go check cows. First we checked the ladies and little ones over at the 5 acres. Everyone seemed pretty okay over there. Then we checked the "divas" over  by the river. These sassy heifers get super curious whenever we come around and have to come up and sniff and be excited. Then we checked the reject cows, the bulls, the steers (both fields), and finally TJ took me up to the nursery. It's a whole lot of pregnant or to-be-pregnant cows and a lot of little guys. Some of the mommas that we moved the other day are still bellowing for their babies left over in the 5 acres areas. 

Right after that, we had to go back down to the steers to get LF69. This poor boy has been crimped (a form of castration) at least 5 times and none of them took, so Marco surgically removed his testicles. I'll spare you the picture for that but it was an interesting procedure to watch. We wrangled up the boys, fly sprayed, and loaded 69 into the trailer. When we got to the cattle shed to do his business one of the cows was in labor! I got to witness my first calf pull of the season. Little TS21 was born today. She was a cute little angus but we had to keep an eye on her because for awhile her mom wanted nothing to do with her. After that excitement we snipped 69's manhood and went to lunch. 

This afternoon TJ and I went back up to 33 (the nursery) and gave them some minerals. Everyone came ambling up the hill for them. Apparently it's like a treat for them because everyone was pushing and shoving to get to the feeder thing. We did the same with the ladies down at the 5 acres. Then we rounded up N7 and the 3 other cows that needed to be checked because they had an infection from giving birth and retaining little bits of placenta. We checked the first 3 cows' temps (all of them high) and then cleaned out some of the gunk from their placenta. This involved me sticking my arm shoulder deep into a cows butt. Cow poo is a lovely color on me - let me tell ya. 

After Marco helped us replace N7's eye patch he left and TJ and I gave the shots to the new mom and baby. I got to give both Sub-Q shots to the mom which was really hard. On the second one she kept shaking her head and pulling the needle out which wasn't pretty because then she started to bleed and blah... I felt really bad for her. Then I got to ID tag the new baby girl and do both of her shots, weight measurement, and umbilical clamp. I learned a ton today!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'll take you for a ride on my big... red... tractor!

Today started like yesterday. I woke up early, ate breakfast, went to the shop to meet up with everyone. 

First thing, Marco sent me with Ed. He's a pretty cool guy, that Ed. He was going to teach me how to disk on their MX350. I was a little bit more than petrified since the back wheels were about a foot taller than me! 

Conquering my fear, I climbed on in, watched Ed harrowed up a few rows and then tried it out for myself. With all that glass up there it's really not that bad at all. The only part that I have problems with is coordinating the klutch and the gears and the 6,000,000 things that are going on at once! 

We rode around on the tractor until well after lunch. At that point we helped Scott put away some of the Lewis' windows and attempt to fix a flat on another large machine. I'm not exactly sure what this one did but it was big, too. 

When that was done we went to fix the pushing lawn mower but that never happened. A Heiffer got loose from 33 South and we had to herd her back to her cranky friends. They're not very happy with us right now since we took their babies away from them yesterday. Sorry, ladies!

Day 2 was another good day. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 1

So today was officially day 1. 

I woke up at 5:30 in the morning because apparently that's when it gets light out in NY. I slept in a little bit longer, then got up and got ready for the day. Got to work at 7 with Summer. Learned how to punch in. 

TJ took me around to the Cattle Shack and I got to see a little calf that was born within a few hours of us getting there. I saw the reject cows in field 64, and I got to go see the bulls before we had to go back up to the Cattle Shack to move Heifers. 

The Heifer moving was really interesting. We started by bringing them all into a big round pen. Then we sorted the babies to be weened and the mommas. The mommas went through first. Some of them got pregnancy checks and then they were either put into a pen to be moved to field 33 or a pen to be moved to field 64 and a few were just let back out into the area they were originally in. After that, we brought all the calves to be weened. They got nose bands to keep them from drinking any milk and some of them got tetnas shots or castrated and then they were turned back into their original field. 

After this we brought all the cows to be moved to their respective fields. They were very happy to be trailered and brought to greener grass. The last thing that I did today was sort through the rest of the cows that had been in another field. Some of them had infections, so TJ taught me how to give them fever reducing and infection fighting shots in their neck. It was kind of intimidating at first because I didn't want to stick a needle in them, but then it was sort of fun! I felt like a vet. We also tagged some of the new babies including my favorite. B2 is a little Brama that looks like a bunny rabbit. I don't care what his name is, I'm going to call him bunny. His ears just flop all over the place when he runs and it's totally cute. I'll try to take a picture of him tomorrow if I get the chance. 

That's all for now!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 0.5

I'm considering this day 0.5 since I haven't actually done any work yet. 

I left my home in Waterford for the very last time ever this morning and made the 5 hour trek to Essex, NY. Let me tell you, the Mass Pike and 87 is 2 things: Hilly, and beeeeeautiful. My ears were popping the whole time but it was definitely worth it to get to see all the mountains. 

Some of the leaves are just starting to flesh out here. It's crazy the differences between Yankee land and SC. However, it's similar at the same time. It's very rural. Essex is a tiny town. (more on that later) 

After passing Dr. Turco's house twice and ending up at the lake or right where I started I finally found him. He took me to the "shop" which is where everyone meets up I guess. I met Pat Gardener who gave me paperwork (that I'm still trying to complete) to fill out. I also met TJ, and a smattering of others. I'm bad with names - so that doesn't help. Anywho -- Pat took me up to the Lewis' house. I met Barbara and Sandy. Sandy and I had a chat. He's a very intense man, but I like him a lot. 

Then, Barbara was going up to Plattsburg 45 minutes away to run a few errands and offered to bring me. I got to chat with her a little bit more and she is super nice as well. I went on a whirlwind grocery shopping sprint because I didn't want to keep her waiting after she finished her other errands. She told me a little bit about the town and the people in it. There's a ferry from Essex, NY to Burlington, VT so I think I will definitely take advantage of that if I have any free time. 

When we came back I got to meet Summer, another intern. She came all the way from Texas! I was the second one here so I got to pick my room. It's a cute little corner room with a single bed. The house is so nice. Barbara did a great job with it. I can't believe we get to stay here all summer!

 I feel better now that I'm unpacked, but I'm still apprehensive about what tomorrow will bring. I hope I don't get trampled by a cow... 

I realize that this is a poor excuse for a picture - but it's all I've got right now. I took this from the front porch right before I made dinner tonight. 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

All Packed

This is going to be the start of my summer blog... 

My car is packed, my boots are ready to go - and I'm ready(ish) to go to NY. I'm not sure if I have ever been this nervous for a summer job before. This is a little bit out of my comfort level, but at the same time it's exciting. 

I'm about to go to CT for the next week to help my parents move. Then I will be making the six hour journey to Essex on my own. Hopefully I'll get settled in, and hopefully I'll have phone service! I guess we'll see.