Sunday, May 16, 2010

This Weekend

This weekend was pretty cool. Emily and Isaiah arrived on Friday. They're both very cool people. It'll be a good summer. I'm pretty excited. Emily's mom came, so we went to Rick's Place on Friday night and tried Michigan Dogs. It's kind of like a hot dog with a sloppy joe on top but it's delicious. We saw Ed and Pat there and it was kind of fun to be in a little local place. We came back, talked for awhile, and then went to sleep. 

I got up on Saturday morning to check cows with TJ. We caught the (ex) bull and gave him some banamine to help the swelling in his balls. He tried to lurch through the head hold and broke a couple of needles on me, but I ended up able to give him the shot. After, TJ had me check the "divas" while he went and checked the boys  to cut down on time. Well one divalicious cow decided that it would be fun to chase me down. I'm so glad that big animals don't scare me or this job would be a nightmare. Later that afternoon TJ, his fiancee and I went up in the lake placid region to deliver some meat to a diner. We ate up there and then took the scenic route home. We got to drive past the olympic training centers and the ski jumping facilities. It was so crazy and intense!

When I got back Emily and I went for a walk around a few fields and hung out and then we went into downtown Essex to The Old Dock Restaurant for their opening night. It was a little pricey but delicious and right on the lake. We came back and line danced in the living room a little bit afterwards. 

Cow checking this morning was interesting to say the least. TJ and I got to Sandy and Barberas house and P30 (remember the one that lost her voice bellowing for her calf?) and 2 others were wandering around the road. They are NOT supposed to be doing this. So we spent our first 30 minutes of the morning chasing them through the woods and trying to get them back where they belong. They just walked right through the fence. So we had to re-put up fence. Then we treated the (ex) bull and finished cow check. LP35's foot is looking worse so tomorrow morning we'll probably bring her in to look at it. Poor girl. 

After work we took Emily's mom over to Burlington on the ferry and went to the tiniest Walmart ever. It was a full day affair and now I'm exhausted. I'm trying to fight of a cold, still. Hopefully I can do it! 

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