Sunday, May 23, 2010


This weekend was pretty fun. We did cow check on Saturday morning with Scott and his girlfriend. She was really nice and the check was pretty uneventful. Unfortunately, even though Scott didn't come to get us until around 9 I still woke up at 6 out of habit. After we got back, Isaiah, Emily, and I went to the wrong dump to get rid of our trash. For a moment I half understood why Sandy mutters about inbreds. We finally figured out where the right dump was - this one was a little less sketchy. After that great adventure we went up to Plattsburgh to see Robin Hood and go to Wal-mart. I spent way too much money on food, and we bought 3 gallons of milk between the 3 of us (1/2 of one already gone). We even watched a movie last night when we got home. It was super productive day. 

Cow check this morning went well. Summer didn't get up for it, but Emily and I went like we had planned to. LP35, LP23, and H510 all had sore feet this morning when we checked and  water basin was completely empty/broken so we had to fix that. Sandy flagged us down on the way and asked us to have a meeting afterwards. He pretty much just wanted to check in and chat with us. Afterwards, Emily and I drove about 5 miles up the road to go tubing. We went down the river for awhile and then came up on a bunch of people. What we stumbled on was Little Falls. Everyone was cliff jumping and hanging around and it looked like a ton of fun. Emily and I both jumped off of one of the cliffs a few times. It was probably the most fun part of the day. It took us 4 hours to get down the river - but it was well worth it to get out and do something instead of sit around outside. 

It most definitely does NOT feel like Sunday. Saturday felt like Sunday, and Sunday feels like Saturday. Go figure!

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