I left my home in Waterford for the very last time ever this morning and made the 5 hour trek to Essex, NY. Let me tell you, the Mass Pike and 87 is 2 things: Hilly, and beeeeeautiful. My ears were popping the whole time but it was definitely worth it to get to see all the mountains.
Some of the leaves are just starting to flesh out here. It's crazy the differences between Yankee land and SC. However, it's similar at the same time. It's very rural. Essex is a tiny town. (more on that later)
After passing Dr. Turco's house twice and ending up at the lake or right where I started I finally found him. He took me to the "shop" which is where everyone meets up I guess. I met Pat Gardener who gave me paperwork (that I'm still trying to complete) to fill out. I also met TJ, and a smattering of others. I'm bad with names - so that doesn't help. Anywho -- Pat took me up to the Lewis' house. I met Barbara and Sandy. Sandy and I had a chat. He's a very intense man, but I like him a lot.
Then, Barbara was going up to Plattsburg 45 minutes away to run a few errands and offered to bring me. I got to chat with her a little bit more and she is super nice as well. I went on a whirlwind grocery shopping sprint because I didn't want to keep her waiting after she finished her other errands. She told me a little bit about the town and the people in it. There's a ferry from Essex, NY to Burlington, VT so I think I will definitely take advantage of that if I have any free time.
When we came back I got to meet Summer, another intern. She came all the way from Texas! I was the second one here so I got to pick my room. It's a cute little corner room with a single bed. The house is so nice. Barbara did a great job with it. I can't believe we get to stay here all summer!
I feel better now that I'm unpacked, but I'm still apprehensive about what tomorrow will bring. I hope I don't get trampled by a cow...
I realize that this is a poor excuse for a picture - but it's all I've got right now. I took this from the front porch right before I made dinner tonight.
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