Today didn't seem long at all. In the morning Isaiah and I went down to the river (field 64 with the reject cows if you remember) and planted the rest of those dogwoods and bayberries. All in all we planted about 200 trees to help the hill from eroding into the river. It was a good couple hours work in the dew and the mud but it was pretty fun. I almost got sucked into a huge mud bog but luckily Isaiah pulled me out!
After that, Isaiah went to help TJ and Summer change out the windows for screens in the Grandview house. While they did that Marco let me play around in the vineyard. He told me that all 300 of their grape plants are Table Grapes. They have reliants, a sweet, pink grape; Canadice, a very cold hardy black grape; and Concords for jams and jellies and juices. He showed me how to prune them and then how to use the tape gun to train them to go on the little cordy thingies the right way. After lunch I continued to work on it with Isaiah until the day was almost over. Granted, I broke the tape guns like 60 times so it took forever, but oh well. It happens.
Later, we treated the usual suspects. 5G had a pretty high temp today, but was good and cleaned out. S29 was fairly clean. She got her uterus sewn shut and her infected udder cleaned out, too. S25 is walking a little bit better today and she's not running a fever at all and the (ex) bull is just... well-himself.
It was overall a pretty good day.
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